Saturday, June 27, 2020

Racism or Sin? by Dr. William R. Downing

Racism or Sin?

A plea to pray for revival in our churches and a spiritual awakening in our society, by Dr. William R. Downing, pastor of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley, Morgan Hill, CA

     Our nation and society are being torn apart, we are told, because of racism, prejudice and police brutality. The protestors and rioters, allegedly protesting against the failures, actions and personalities of the past are themselves breaking existing laws and ordinances, and even deifying persons who were despicable in their lives and lawlessness. They believe that they can do so because their cause is just. They have torn down statues, defaced and destroyed buildings and looted businesses, demonstrated their violent actions, and vented their energies and hatred against the standing social order. Protestors and rioters have even torn down or defaced statues of abolitionists and such leaders as Lincoln, who allegedly emancipated the slaves! But all they have done or can do is destroy—they have not and cannot build.
     At the same time, our nation is celebrating fifty years of Gay Pride this week. Cosmetic companies are changing “whitening” creams to more acceptable terms. Universities are changing the names of their respective schools. Some cities are in the process of disbanding or defunding their police departments. This is “Political Correctness” and “Social Justice” run amuck in the extreme. We are a nation without morality.
     Is there something deeper than the Marxist–led mob in their desire to erase the past and establish a new world order? Yes. There is one single underlying factor and awful reality which permeates all this destructive violence—SIN. Mankind is fallen and sinful. It is easier to destroy than to build; easier to erase than to spell, draw or paint; easier to riot than to establish true equity. Man as a sinner has always wanted the “quick fix.” Like a spoiled child, he wants his own way and does not consider the consequences. He wants to take, but not give; to destroy, but not build; to curse, but not bless; to stand arrogantly, but not bow…
     What is most needful at this point in our national history and survival is Divine intervention. Law and order begin with a cooperative determination to have the best and safest for society. And even before this, there is a need for a moral base. Without a sufficient moral base any society is doomed. Historically, morality has derived from the religion of the society. This has been true of both pagan and so–called “Christian” societies. Any attempt at morality without a religious base is completely arbitrary and often unjust and inequitable.
     God has ordained the family and the church. Human government among fallen, sinful mankind is a necessary evil without a morality which derives from the Word of God. The uniqueness of America stems from its base in the Bible. Although never a truly “Christian” Nation, the influence of the Bible gave us the greatest nation in the history of the world. It influenced that “group of old white men” who gave us the Constitution and its Amendments.
     Apart from the Bible, morality, society and government are all arbitrary, as are its laws. The State becomes both “Parent” and “God.” Totalitarianism becomes a necessity as fallen, sinful man cannot rule himself or others equitably. All, then, must submit to arbitrarily a totalitarian government enforced by the use of arms—a police state.
     The Lord God has graciously given to our nation and society time after time of revival and spiritual awakening: the first occurred c. 1734–1750 under Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield and others. This mighty work of God gave the Thirteen Colonies the moral impetus for a new nation. And this new nation reflected much of this biblically–based morality in its foundation.
     This new nation then experienced several spiritual revivals and spiritual awakenings from 1793 to 1840, delivering it from the baneful influences of English Deism, French Skepticism and German Rationalism. Even during the great financial crash of 1857, revival came (c. 1857–1859), and its force spread to the Britain, bringing revival to Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. There was a great revival among the Southern Armies during the War between the States (1861–1865). There were spasmodic revivals during the last part of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th Century, the Welsh Revival reached our shores about 1905 and made a deep impression on our country.
     It has been 115 years since the Lord poured out His Spirit upon our land and people. We have sunk lower than ever before religiously, morally, ethically and socially. What now? Where are those who truly see that the root cause of our present unrest, violence and attempts to overturn our social order is SIN—and our hope is in Divine intervention. Can our past speak to us of hope in this time? Are we a praying people? Do we realize that we need God to “rend the heavens and come down…to make Thy name known to Thy adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Thy presence.”? (Isaiah 64:1–2).