Thursday, February 10, 2022

This installment is titled “The History & Theology of Calvinism” by Curt Daniel, Chapter Forty-Two, The Destiny of the Elect.

One of the surprising tendencies I have observed since entering the Gospel ministry has been the contrast I have noticed from my days in engineering school and as a spacecraft vehicle engineer at Hughes Aircraft Company in El Segundo. Engineers know stuff, and they know that they know stuff. This makes engineers a fairly opinionated group of individuals who are willing to engage in disputes with other engineers over design philosophies and design specifics. However, I never observed differences to be the sources of personality conflicts. Not so in the Gospel ministry, where I have observed a dismal tendency to vilify those with different philosophies and embracing doctrinal variations well within the limits of orthodox Christianity.

The chapter I will relate to you deals with one aspect of the Calvinistic framework that seems to produce the most heat and smoke from those who oppose the position without ever familiarizing themselves with the position by actually reading the actual writings of those who champion the position. It is yet another chapter in the author’s section titled Unconditional Election.

The chapter is divided into seven subsections.

“What is the destination of predestination? God chose the elect in eternity past – what does he have in store for them in eternity future? The subject of Heaven is too vast to cover in depth in one short chapter. The great Puritan Richard Baxter wrote over 500 pages on it in the classic The Saints’ Everlasting Rest. I will concentrate on those aspects of Heaven that the Bible associates with predestination and election.”

Salvation and Eternal Life. Two paragraphs. “God chose the elect to be saved (2 Thessalonians 2:13) and receive eternal life (Acts 13:48). Both were planned in eternity, secured by Christ at the cross in time, and bestowed on the elect by the Holy Spirit at the appointed time. Faith is the instrument by which the elect receive them (Acts 16:31; John 3:16).”

Holiness. Eleven paragraphs. The Scripture references include Ephesians 1:4; Jude 24; 1 John 3:19–20; Ephesians 5:27; Revelation 19:7; 21:2; Hebrews 12:23; Luke 16:26; James 1:14; Psalm 103:20; Titus 1:2. Mention is made of Augustine and Thomas Boston’s contribution to the topic, as well as Arminianism’s shortcoming.

Conformity to the Image of Christ. Two paragraphs.

Glorification. Four paragraphs.

The Glory of God’s Grace. Four paragraphs.

Heaven Is a World of Love. Three paragraphs. Comments by Jonathan Edwards and Robert Murray Mc’Cheyne are included.

Conclusion. “God chose the elect to salvation, eternal life, holiness, conformity to the image of Christ Jesus, glorification, grace, and love. That is the destination of predestination.