The doctrine of reprobation provokes a knee-jerk reaction with many in the Gospel ministry. A friend of mine related with sadness the cooling off of his relationship with his pastor because he brought up his desire to discuss these topics. He had not formulated a personal position but was interested in exploring what the word of God taught. Rather than discuss the issue his pastor, for all intents and purposes, ended their intimate relationship. This saddens me because I have observed it so many times myself. Yet here we are, providing an overview of yet another chapter the author has courageously written. I commend the chapter to you whether you agree with the author’s position or not. It will not harm you to discover what great men of the past believed.
The chapter is divided into then parts, with a single paragraph opening the chapter and a quote from the Westminster Confession of Faith.
God Blinds Their Minds. Five paragraphs. I know of no one who believes the Bible denies the reality that God blinds sinner’s minds. It is worthwhile to crystallize in your mind Bible truth regarding blindness.
Blinded Reprobates. Four paragraphs. The author offers an explanation why some do not believe even after hearing many accurate Bible expositions.
Blinded Minds and Hearts. Three paragraphs.
God Hardens the Hearts of the Reprobate. Two paragraphs. The fact that God hardens hearts cannot be disputed. Scripture is clear. The author discusses the reasons why God hardens the heart.
The Case of Pharaoh. Eight paragraphs. “Romans 9 is the clearest chapter in the entire Bible on the doctrine of reprobation. It is also the clearest chapter on the hardening of the reprobate. Paul uses the case of Pharaoh to illustrate what God does to all non-elect.”
God Gives the Reprobate Over. Two paragraphs.
God Withholds Grace from Them. Four paragraphs. In addition to several passages from the Old and New Testaments, the author cites Augustine, Jerome Zanchius, Jonathan Edwards, and William Lyford.
God Turns Their Hearts. Three paragraphs. Proverbs 21:1 is but the first of the verses referred to establishing this truth.
God Uses Satan and Demons. Four paragraphs. Though not all hardening is demon possession, Judges 9:23–24, First Samuel 16:14, First Kings 22:19–23, Second Chronicles 18:18-22, and Second Corinthians 11:14–15, show this does happen.
Conclusion. Three
paragraphs. The author discusses the reasons why God hardens hearts. He
connects the hardening of the hearts of some to the working of all things for
good to them that love Him. He then challenges His readers to examine their