Wednesday, March 20, 2024

"The Body Of Christ: Metaphor not Myth"

     I would like to announce a new publication now available at ClassicalBaptist.Press titled "The Body Of Christ: Metaphor not Myth." Written by Pastor Charles L. Hunt, I have obtained permission from the author to make it available to you without charge.
     Written in 2006, Pastor Hunt's perceptive treatment of the New Testament phrase used by the Apostle Paul deals with the most common error of Protestantism with respect to the doctrine of the Church, the body of Christ metaphor. It is now available in PDF and can be downloaded and printed for distribution to your congregation.
     I am in whole-hearted agreement with Pastor Hunt's assessment that, setting aside ecclesiastical compromise and an unwillingness to stand apart from Protestantism, the most likely error leading to a misunderstanding of the nature of the New Testament Church is a failure to grasp the body metaphor used by the Apostle Paul.
     Many pastors seem unwilling to wrestle with this issue, perhaps failing to recognize the central role a proper ecclesiology plays in New Testament interpretation. Some will be encouraged by this work. Others will be dismayed to discover misdirection in their understanding of this topic. Not to worry. Illumination is never complete this side of eternity and God blesses the right approach to His Word. Be of good cheer!
     Here is the link you will need to download the file: